Monday, August 31, 2009

EntreCard: Is there a positive side of the 1 EC/drop policy change?

Many members in EntreCard complain at the moment about the new policy which give only the active droppers 1 credit (EC). The person who receives the drop will get 0 credit from 1st September on.

In the previous part of "Good bye, cheap ads! Consequences of the policy change" i pointed out that the advertising price for the low cost ads (below 128 EC) will increase as there are just as a maximum 300 EC (+25% of your previous EC ad price) left after the day is over.
Most of the member don't even drop 300 cards, so their Ad price will be around the 16 to 256 EC-Level which gives them just 4 to 64 ECs at the end of the day as an extra.

What shall be now the positive side with the reduction in credits?

It will be for sure that the actual high advertising prices from the TOP 30 Blogs will reach levels around 1.024 EC and lower instead of the previous 4.096 EC/8.196 EC.
When we look at the TOP 30 members and their earnings, they will be reduced by over 550 to 1.000 ECs per day. ECs which can't flow back anymore in the economy.

They have to buy ads with lower EC costs (see post: Good bye, cheap ads!) or less of the high priced ads. In return the ad prices of more members in the high priced area (above 1.024 EC)will drop! It may take a few days or weeks but then you will see much lower ad prices for these member!

Which type of clicking method will benefit from this policy change?

Now it's still useful to reciprocate the drops which you get as the person who dropped on you gave you 1 EC into your account. From 1st September on, this might change as you get only credits for your drops.
In case you don't care about popularity points and an adequate ad price, you can start chain-clicking. This means you start with one blog and click on the available ad on this blog and then so on and on. With this method you learn some new blogs and perhaps you will find new favorites for the future!

But i think another trend will come up now: You can choose your favorite blogs and start reading them, as you don't receive anymore ECs for persons who come to you from your ad campaigns. Reciprocate the drops from your inbox as they brought you traffic, find your favorites and visit them regularly. In the end you can build more loyal readers and friendship with this method. Wait some days and advertise with two popular blogs. In this case you get immediately around 30 to 50 drops. Try to hold them by dropping cards daily on these new "acquired" members.
With this method you and your blog will grow and your amount of followers gets week by week more!

But wait! Is there not another method which already more than 300 members are using to give their visitors more than just 1 EC?

Yes, there is a method which will give you additional traffic and attract more new and old members to visit your blog. It costs you just a few minutes to set it up in your Blogger-Layout-Editor.

Use the TOP Dropper-Method!

Give the persons who visit you the most often throughout the month a place in your sidebar. You don't have to copy and paste it every month from the Statistic web page. Just put the TOP Dropper-RSS-Feed in your sidebar and everyone sees the actual TOP Droppers from your blog. You can see this on all of our four blogs!

Other members publish each month a list of their TOP Droppers with their clicks throughout the past month, some publish additional the pictures of them. This is up to you how you want to give your "loyal" visitors a gift.

This gift is so precious and can help them to gain a better PageRank (in SEO-Language it's called one-way backlink) that's why some members keep on dropping daily (even you never dropped on them) to get on these lists and to remain on these TOP positions they have to drop everyday.

In my opinion the combination of all three would be a good mix and would keep the EntreCard system going in the right direction.

  • Give the persons a click on their ads when you feel this could be an attractive ad or just because it's the blog of your friend.
  • Learn to love new blogs who dropped in your Inbox, take your time for some comments on your favorite blogs.
  • Give your visitors some link love for their daily visits to your blog by "installing" the TOP Dropper-RSS--Feed in your sidebar and attract new visitors.
  • Think positive about the change because everyone gets less ECs from now on, we are all in the same boat!
  • The advertising prices on the TOP 30 Blogs will go down in a few days/weeks. But there should be an entire new price system for the advertisement together with the actual change! You can read some good proposals on Eli's Blog An economist’s bold proposal to combat entrecard-inflation and attain stable economy
1st pic from beatkueng

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Entrecard: Good bye cheap ads! Consequences of EC's policy change

I promise you, as soon as of the first week of September, you won't find anymore good and acceptable adspaces in EntreCard between 8 and 128 ECs.

It's already now like this:
for 2 EC ad    - 12 popularity points (means 2,5 EC-visitor/day)
for 4 EC ad    - 25 popularity points (5 visitors)
for 8 EC ad    - 50 popularity points (10 visitors)
for 16 EC ad   - 80 popularity points (16 visitors)
for 32 EC ad   - 160 popularity points (32 visitors)
for 64 EC ad   - around 300+ pop.points (60 visitors)
for 128 EC ad  - around 600+ pop.points (120 visitors)

What does this mean?

As i started my ad campaign for our contest on 10th of August, the advertisement cost were 50% cheaper. That means you could say popularity points divided by 10 and then you had a good ad price. It means you reached the double amount of visitors with your ad!
The ad price went up (doubled!) since they announced the new policy for 1st of September.

Why do the ad prices go up already now?

People want to "save" up the ECs for future advertisements. But at the moment they will mostly get crap for their money. As i spend in the last three weeks over 10.000 EC (on ad spaces from 2 to 1.024 ECs) i got around 220 clicks, from the low cost advertisement (32 EC and below) i got in 80% of the cases 0 clicks. In the future you will get from most of the 32/64 EC ads 0 clicks, too. It will be the biggest waste of ECs!

Who can afford ad prices from 1.024 EC and above in the future?

Calculation: 300 drops = 300 EC, ECs for displayed ad must be 3.072 ECs= 768 EC

Only persons who have their "saved up" ECs from the previous CashOut program can advertise on these high priced ad spots or you have to wait 3 or more days (when your ad price is let's say 128 EC = 32 ECs in your account) if you can drop 300 cards each day.

What EntreCard should do now!

This means EntreCard should find a way to regulate the Ad price more to the reality after they cut the ECs we can receive for our drops.
Instead of doubling the price from 64 ECs on, they should just add -from this price on- 32 ECs.

In this case the members will have a wider range of blogs to advertise with affordable prices and a chance of some clicks from these ads!

Otherwise the members will start to save up more and more ECs to wait for lower, acceptable ad prices. This means there will be again much more ECs in the system than EntreCard wants us to have!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Build a popular blog with these three types of posts!

There are a lot of questions how to grow your blog and generate traffic which is what keeps your blog alive!

Are you a blogger who writes for yourself or do you write your blog posts for your readers? How can you attract your readers to read your posts? Which posts attract which readers?

What are the ingredients for a successful blog?

Like in the real life, we can not live without some sugar, spice and vitamins.

Why vitamins?

As everyone needs vitamins in the daily life, these posts are one of the essentials for the regular readers in your blog.

They represent your blog or your niche like in my case it would be the guides of myLot, Adgitize and EntreCard or the Scam posts.

These posts help you grow and build up the blog!

The purpose of sugar posts!

What do you think about your important blog posts? Do they always keep the attention of your readers or will it get after a while too serious?
I think you know what will come next. They wait for some sweeties from you! Why?
Sugar posts catch the attention of new readers and of your loyal reader much easier. The sole purpose of these posts is to make your blog easier to consume.

Sugar posts are usually blog lists where other readers can find additional information about a specific topic like the Scam List , paid survey list or freebies like the Suze Orman ebook

Like in the real life, try to keep your sugar posts in little dosages otherwise your blog will turn into a candy shop. The sugar posts shall attract new readers to keep on reading your vitamin posts and make them to one of your regular readers!

Why you should use some spicy posts!

The purpose of spice in your blog is to keep the whole blog interesting as every meal gets less tasty without some spicy herbs or chilli!
Sugar and vitamin posts will give you the opportunity to gain and hold your readers, they help you to grow substantially.

Within spicy posts you present your flavor and your own personality (opinion). This will, can and should cause some heated debates on your blog.
One of my spicy posts included EntreCard: The Wipe Out has already started.

Is it dangerous for your loyal readership to use this kind of spice?
Of course you can say, "Hey, they won't like my opinion about this topic."
Yes, that's might be true but first of all not everyone will flee and stop coming back. They may hate this particular post, ok. You won't like their comments on this post.
You have to bare it like they have to. But in the end your reader will no where else get this specific spicy flavor of your post!

Let's summarize the recipe...

Take a little bit of sugar to attract new readers, keep your readers and yourself healthy with the vitamins and make your blog more interesting with some spices!

What do you think about it and which kind of post might this be?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

EntreCard: Breaking NEWS - Only 1 credit per drop from 1st September on!

EntreCardThat's new, that's amazing or is it the worst decision ever made by the new management of EntreCard?

From 1st September on, only the person who drops the card will get a ONE EC. The member who receives the DROP gets NO MORE ONE EC. This means if you want to advertise in the future, you have to be active and drop cards, otherwise you won't have many chances to advertise.

I guess the advertising prices will drop too in the long run (when the ECs that are hold back from the Cashout program will flow into the Economy!)

This action had to be taken by the management to solve the Entrecard Inflation.

I guess our contest will be welcome from 1st September on, by the members who don't want to click so often. Instead of clicking so many members to pay for a good advertising spot, they just have to visit some blogs to get a chance of winning several thousand ECs each week!
Thank you EntreCard Team for this step :-) (ironic!)

What is your opinion to this new decision (again no word about the strange paid ad from the previous day)?

Monday, August 24, 2009


EntreCardOk... i thought i wait until the day is over and write a rant after the situation in EntreCard with the Server might be fixed.

But now it's just ENOUGH!!

I just wrote with Eli from about the Server meltdown in EntreCard yesterday and about the strange appearance of the paid ad (which when you buy their promoted software, will produce a much higher bounce rate, by the way you could get a similar software for free... just have a look in one of my "EntreCard explained"-Series, there i promoted a website which offers this for free!)

While writing with him, i dropped two cards one on his blog and one on Chronic Chick Talk. On her blog there is the RSS-Feed for the Drop Inbox, usually i appear there immediately after i dropped my card. This time -NO- no Cornyman's Money-Blog and the strange thing was no one from today appeared only drops from yesterday.

I checked my Inbox, the same, only from yesterday 48 drops (instead of around 280) and my statistics from yesterday showed only 80 drops from me but i did 300 drops!! Seems the two hours yesterday night have been a waste of time better have watched one more movie with my wife!

And now the best... after i wrote a message to Eli 10 minutes ago my ECs got deducted by 534 ECs. At the moment i can only guess that this must be the difference between my drops yesterday 300 - 80 (registered) drops = 220 ECs and the drops from other members on my blog for yesterday and today (my stats telling me that more than 30 members clicked directly from their inbox today but none of them are counted in the real statistics!! The real drops are usually 50 to 80% higher).

When i look just now in my Transaction it's very obvious. The ad price from yesterday is not counted (or was deducted) and all drops since yesterday 5:38 am (Amercian time).

You can look up the answer about this situation of Phirate from EntreCard forum here. No chance to get the lost credits back!

Since 3:42 am today the drops are being counted again!! So better to come back again and drop your cards on everyone you dropped in the time from 0:00 to 3:42 am (American time)!!!

HAVE A GREAT DAY and in case you want to get free traffic better to join our contest and recycle your ECs because EntreCard seems no more that trustworthy these days!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

EntreCard: Can this be true ???

Have you seen this picture on the other member blogs of EntreCard... wondered why this is displayed on our EC-Widgets but on their website (in case you clicked on the pic) there is no EC-Widget?

It seems to be true... this is again a PAID AD. What's going on with EntreCard... accepting again paid ads (from outside websites) but no more CASHOUT option?

And why is the server down so often in the last two days? Do they run really out of cash now?
Anyone any explanation for this two topics?

Hope my contest doesn't suffer from this server meltdowns... join as sponsor until 31.08.2009... and join as participant from 1st September 2009! Just click on the Banner on the right side and read what you can do to take part in it!

Mylot: The best paid forum since 2005!

We received again a payout from myLot after not being that active because of taking care of our little baby boy since March 2009.
This time we just reached the payout limit of 10.00 $ by end of July. All you have to do is taking part in discussions which the members start or you can start your own discussion.

It's great when you can help other members with their problems or they help you when you ask them questions and in exchange you get paid for it!

Also interesting for Blog owners who write paid articles!

Since March 2009 you can also take part in Tasks. It is similar to Pay per Post, only that you don't have to publish it on your blog. You deliver the article directly to the Task owner in myLot and for around 4 paragraphs (16 to 20 lines) you can earn up to 4 $ (2 $ is the average price).

I think myLot is a much better earnings opportunity than working for some of the paid blog post companies which offer you mostly less money but more lengthy articles to write.

Referrals give you on top 25% of their earnings!

We give everyone who signs up under this referral link 50% cash-back of our 25%-referral earnings. You earn 10$ - we get 2.50 $, we transfer 1.25$ into your Paypal-Account!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Recycle your ECs into FREE TRAFFIC! Join our contest!

There are so many members in EntreCard sitting on their ECs (like me) and i guess you don't know how to RECYCLE those massive amount of ECs for the best value?

Join our contest because now you can get FREE TRAFFIC for as low as 500 EC/day, for a week it would be 3.500 EC or sponsor 5$ via Paypal for ONE WEEK FREE TRAFFIC + Ad spaces from your blog.

If you have some Gift cards which you don't use or which will perhaps expire soon, just sponsor them in our contest and in exchange the participants have to visit your blog to win this gift card!

This Contest will change further upcoming contests!
  1. The first time that sponsors get actively traffic from a contest - not just some clicks through the link love that is given by publishing the sponsor list on all participant's blogs.

  2. Sponsors get link love from the other sponsors who want to participate in the contest.
    1. If you are already member of Technorati, then your Technorati Authority will jump up tremendously from so many blog reactions. Join Technorati for free and increase your future traffic!
    2. Link love produces backlinks from sponsors and participants which can result in a higher pagerank (Google pagerank updates should be two times during the contest period)
    3. Your Alexa ranking will get a boost from the participants who visit your blog.
      It seems to be helpful for this ranking when you get from time to time a spike in visitors - and this will happen during the time when your sponsored prize can be won!

  3. Take the Early Bird-AUGUST advertising discount of 33% and more!
    The sponsorship is cheap in comparison to the advertising prices in EntreCard itself.
    You sponsor 500 EC for ONE DAY or 3.500 EC/5$ for ONE WEEK Free Traffic.
    Sponsorship will be open until the first week of December, but the "price" will raise throughout the contest.
    Sponsors who join in September have to give already 750 EC/day and 5.000 EC/week, the 5$ will remain the same for ONE WEEK Free Traffic.

  4. Link love is given already for the first contest, if you join in September the already published lists on the participant's blogs can't be changed immediately. In this case link love will be given only from newly joined participants ("old" participants have to update the list monthly).

  5. I would like to make a special part of the contest which is concentrated on gems, craft and art as i have now a few of this items as pledges, they usually have a higher value than the ECs/cash. And i think it would be a great time to make this kind of contest from mid October to mid/end of November, so that it could reach the participant before Christmas (as a gift for someone).

    These are the items:

For all the sponsors who haven't yet registered in the EntreCard Forum, please write down your pledges (sponsorship) there, too, and don't forget to copy/past ONE of the TWO ADS in your blog's sidebar!!
In this case the Forum will be an active place to share and communicate about the contest and not to forget the Itrader points that you will get!

If you like to sponsor now... here are the "rules" of the 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest, comment on this post and write down your pledge in the forum, too.
Please DON'T transfer the ECs into my account!! You have to transfer the ECs directly to the winner as soon as it's your turn!

Afterward please take one of the two ads and post it near the EntreCard or above the fold, so that we can attract more person to join our contest and make other persons curious about the upcoming contest!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thank you my EC-Advertisers!

With the beginning of this week every advertiser from the previous week will get additional link love for advertising with Cornymans Money-Blog!

Thank You to my advertisers from 11-August-2009 - 17-August-2009:

LM-Blog I love/hate America:// photodito
Making money with Articles Nature Blessing EZGreatLife - Family, Fitness and Finances
Wishing on a Falling Star

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Entrecard:No more credits for blog posts / Promoting itself on our blogs!

Just came across this badge on some of the blogs which seem not to approve their ads on time or which have at the moment no ads running. When you click on it, it will re-direct you to Entrecard, seems to be the new in-house ads

Let's hope we get some new members in the near future!

Another (bad) news which was announced yesterday in the Forum (i think it would be better and more transparent if Ziprunner would announce this in their blog!):

Hi everyone,

There was a bug in our software regarding the credits given for blog post so it is temporary disabled until further notice. The bug benefited most of our users because it gave many users extra credits to their account. Instead of taking the credits back, it will be disabled until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Source: EntreCard Forum

Follow this link to submit your sponsorship of The 1 Million-EC-Free Traffic-Contest in the EntreCard Forum (registration is easy and takes less than five minutes, just activate afterwards the account with the link in the received e-mail!).

Adgitize - Start of new earning opportunities today!

Adgitize your web site.
Ken Brown announced now officially the start of new earning opportunities within the next 60 days (like previously already reported on this blog).

Today marks the first step in earning more money with Adgitize!
In the beginning it will effect only advertisers. They will get more points if they buy more than one ad in Adgitize, for example when you have four blogs registered, you could receive additional points (50 points for the second ad, 25 points for the 3rd and 4th ad!). This means the high score per day will go up from 500 to 600 points since tonight!

Together with this new point system the ad price from the 3rd ad on will decrease. The 3rd ad costs 13 $, the 4th ad just 12 $. To get this discount, the first two ads should have 10 days left until expiration.

In the long run (next two to six weeks), publishers will also profit from this new revenue income and get additional some cents in their account.

Join the best Advertising network now!
Another reason for joining today would be the ongoing Fireworks contest running in August with the First prize being 75$

ANYONE EARNED ALREADY MORE THAN 100 Advertiser points today?

Adgitize your web site.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Entrecard: Do you have so many ECs to pay for advertising here?

Just made my rounds in the search for some good advertising opportunities when i came across the most expensive advertisement i have ever seen.

The ad on The Journey costs at the moment 262.144 ECs for one day.
I would like to know who bought the previous advertisement for 131.072 ECs. At the moment the price drops, perhaps it was only a glitch in Entrecards system or someone rejects the ad at the moment! In case you want to advertise on her blog, here is the EntreCard profile of The Journey.

Otherwise it would have been a good opportunity for this person to sponsor our 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest with 100.000 ECs ;-)
For this contribution the member would have received 6 weeks free advertisement/traffic on our blog.

For luck we will know or we can guess in three weeks who paid so much ECs for one day advertisement. The Journey publish every week additional the last weeks advertisers.

Starting from this week, i will offer this Thank You, my advertisers, too as everyone else receives from our advertisers each day ECs for placing their ad in our EntreCard.
I receive for example between 64 and 128 ECs (depending on the ad price, you get 25% from the paid ad price).

Monday, August 10, 2009

The 1 Million EC - Free Traffic - Contest-Sponsorlist

EC-ContestThis is now the official Sponsor List as the Contest started on 1st of September 2009:

509.235 ECs, 130 $ cash and 79 ad spaces
, Blog-Makeover, Blogreview, Customized Bloglayout,Domain, Hosting space to join us as a sponsor and participant go to Be a part of The 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest, actual contests can be found on the main page at Cornymans Money-Blog:

25 $ cash prize from
  1. Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
20 $ cash prize from
  1. My Financial Corner

15 $ cash prize from

  1. A Little Boy's blog
  2. Too little time to blog

10 $ cash prize from
  1. One World Realty Philippines
  2. PF ♥ Org

5 $ cash prize
  1. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  2. English Short Story
  3. Make or Break
  4. Thoughts and Obsessions
  5. Just About Anything
  6. MyOnlineContest
  7. Pinay Mommy Online

25.000 EC

  1. EzGreatLife - Family, Fitness and Finances

20.000 EC

  1. Work At Home
  2. A Little Boy's blog

15.000 EC
  1. lunaticg banknote & coin
  2. The Fitness Diva

10.000 EC

  1. Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
  2. Too little time to blog
  3. Frugality is the new reality
  4. Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
  5. Your daily photo depot
  6. Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
  7. Stalking Minds
  8. X O X. J A N E L L E .X O X
  9. contest ♥ love
  10. The Journey

7.000 EC

  1. Simple Happy Life
  2. Owning a Café

5.500 EC

  1. Guilty Pleasures

5.000 EC
  1. Girls Are Made of Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice
  2. Everything Has A Reason
  3. In This Life of Ours
  4. In My Kitchen
  5. My Vegetable Garden
  6. ProductReviewsVonMir
  7. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  8. Wonderful Things In Life
  9. Blog de Manila
  10. Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
  11. My Life and My Views
  13. Stunned by Stone
  14. Kamila the Camel

4.500 EC

4.000 EC
  1. After cancer, now what
  2. Nishas world and baby Alisha

3.500 EC
  1. So far, so good
  2. Easy Buy & Sell
  4. vhingsFOTO album

3.000 EC
  1. Blogging School
  2. Yashiro
  3. Just About Anything
  4. Mara's Personal Bubble
  5. Femmepower

2.500 EC
  1. Walk with me
  2. Blog Godown
  3. The fire in my life
  4. Food Fads

2.000 EC
  1. All about my life
  2. My Life's Adventure
  3. Life's Journey
  5. Quintessential Babble
  6. Kutsara at Tinidor
  7. Worth's...Road
  8. Blog Fusion
  9. Make or Break
  10. Subjective Soup
  11. Communication Exchange
  12. Seek No More
  13. Freaky Frugalite
  14. Mara's Appetite
  15. My Financial Corner
  16. The Movie Mommy
  17. Chika Buzz

1.500 EC

  1. Make Money Online | Make Money Online Malaysia
  2. Fishy Passion
  3. Proud Mommy
  4. My Online Journey
  5. As Time Goes By...
  6. One World Realty Philippines

1.234 EC
  1. Showbiz Juice

1.001 EC

  1. Time!

1.000 EC

  1. Momgen Garage Store
  2. My Crafts Store Online
  3. Fida Abbott
  4. Lovely Pink
  5. My Daily Sunset
  6. Dashing Beauty
  7. kharlota dot Com
  8. Live Love Pink
  9. Hobby and Such by Carlota
  10. Mixed Bag
  11. iLUVcontest
  12. AnotherContest
  13. nameSherry
  15. Shopping
  16. the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
  17.'s Blog
  18. Gossip Mom
  19. A Maiden's Testimony
  20. samantha's own
  21. In His Steps
  22. Mommy's Little Corner
  23. Master and Student

500 EC

  1. elai's haven
  2. Gift Reviews
  3. Online Money Making
  4. Dogs Deserve Freedom

125 x 125 ad space
(4 months until 31st December)
  1. One World Realty Phillipines
  2. Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate

125 x 125 ad space (3 months)

  1. The Fountain of Happiness
  2. Free Famous Quotes

Text Link ad (3 months)
  1. Better Interpersonal Communication

125 x 125 ad space (2 months)
  1. Blog de Manila
  2. Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
  3. Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
  4. Yashiro
  5. Tinta at Papel
  6. Just About Anything
  7. Wish Happy Birthday For Free

Text link ad (2 months)
  1. Work At Home (worth $ 50)

Text Link Ad (1 month)
  1. After cancer, now what
  2. Gossip Mom (5 text links!)

468 x 60 ad space (1 month)

  1. The Nexus - Feed your brain

125 x 125 ad space (1 month)

  1. Kamila the Camel
  2. Herbways - Way with Herbs
  3. 365 Bulgarian Adventures
  4. Dosh for U - Extra Money Tips
  5. Tips n Wrinkles - Save Money and the World
  6. 50 50 Deals - Sensible Shopping
  7. Bulgarian Slivatree - An Expatriate's Eye in Bulgaria
  8. Bad Luck
  9. Yambol Daily Picture
  10. Bulgarian Scrapbook
  11. The Rakia Site
  14. Also Mommy
  15. TH's corner
  16. Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
  17. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  18. Chizmosa Lounge
  19. Wonderful Things In Life
  20. My Life's Adventure
  21. Life's Journey
  23. Momgen Garage Store
  24. My Crafts Store Online
  26. Fida Abbott
  27. Blogging School
  28. elai's haven
  29. Dashing Smiles
  30. EzGreatLife
  31. The fire in my life
  32. iLUVcontest
  33. AnotherContest
  34. nameSherry
  36. Shopping
  37. Worth's...Road
  38. Blog Fusion
  39. Nishas world and baby Alisha
  40. the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
  41. Make or Break
  42. A Maiden's Testimony
  44. vhingsFOTO album
  45. OTHERSIDE of my LIFE
  46. Just About Anything
  47. samantha's own
  48. The Nexus - Feed your brain
  51. The Bad Evan
  52. A Woman's Blog
  53. Online Biz and Resources
  54. Moolah Musings
  55. I Luv Contests and More


  1. Momgen Designs

Blog review (200 - 300 words)

  1. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  2. Make or Break

Customized Bloglayout (Blogger-Platform)

  1. my Web-Blog Designs

DOMAIN (1 year)


5 GB Hosting space (without domain)

My own contribution (if someone beats my contribution, i have to top up ;-) ):
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Moneypage
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Blogreviews
25.000 EC + 1 ad space All about babies and kids
25.000 EC + 1 ad space The One Minute Guide

Be part of the 1 Million EC Free Traffic Contest!

The actual sponsored contest will be shown on the Main page - Cornymans Money-Blog!

How to enter the Final prize contest:
  1. MUST DO for the sponsored weekly contests, too!
    Blog about this contest and copy the sponsor list (as the sponsorship is going on, please update the sponsor list every 15th of each month! :) - 5 entries
Additional entries:
  1. Copy the following code in your sidebar and display the Contest-Logo until 31st Dezember - 5 entries per month

    Join  the 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest now!

  2. Follow one or all of our blogs - 3 entries for each blog

    Cornymans Money-Blog

    Cornymans Blog-Reviews
    The One Minute Guide
    All about babies and kids

  3. Subscribe to our feeds - 5 entries for each blog

    Subscribe to All about babies and kids by Email

    Subscribe to Cornymans Money-Blog by Email
    Subscribe to The One Minute Guide by Email
    Subscribe to Cornymans Blogreviews by Email

  4. Link to us from your blog - 3 entries for each blog

    Cornymans Money-Blog
    Cornymans Blog-Reviews
    The One Minute Guide
    All about babies and kids

  5. Bookmark this post in Stumble upon, Digg, Delicious - 2 entries for each bookmark

  6. Sign up with Adgitize, start earning money and get traffic - 20 entries
    more information about Adgitize (to sign up use the provided links, otherwise it won't be valid!)
More additional entries coming soon!

Why should you be a sponsor in our contest?
(Updated: Nr. 3, 5, 6, 7)

  1. You will be mentioned in all our blogs from 1st of September on:

    Cornymans Moneypage

    All about babies and kids

    Cornymans Blogreviews

    The One Minute Guide

  2. The earlier you sponsor, the more often you will be already mentioned in this blog.
    We will update the sponsors weekly until the contest starts on 1st of September, ending on 31st December 2009.

  3. The participants have to mention all sponsors in their blogs. The sponsors can publish one post about the contest at the beginning (31st August or 1st September) of the contest and one ad can be put near the EC-widget or above the fold.

  4. There will be daily, monthly and many Final Prizes at the end of the contest.

  5. For the daily/weekly prizes the participants have to visit the Blog(s) who sponsored it and looking for the correct answer or the sponsors are choosing four post on which the participants have to comment on --> The sponsor will get additional traffic, ECs and if they follow you, they will get two additional entries.

  6. It's an easy and fun contest, more persons will participate and visit the sponsoring blogs, both parties gain, participants get to know new blogs and the sponsors, too!

  7. You can sponsor nearly everything that has a certain value and which can be used for international participants for example:

    1. ECs (consider 750 EC/daily as a minimum -> 5.000 EC for a weekly prize, it's one week free exposure for your blog + guaranteed visits from the participants)
    2. Cash (5$/weekly prize)
    3. Ad space (blogs should have a certain steady amount of visitors daily, otherwise i will put them to some daily prizes for low-visited blogs -> together with low EC sponsorships <1.500>
    4. Books, ebooks
    5. Templates, Blog Layout
    6. Blog make-over
    7. Logo design
    8. Jewelry
    9. Gems
    10. Bracelets
    11. Ear rings
    12. Set of Gift cards
    13. your own ideas

    Just send me your ideas of sponsorship and i will update the list! Register within EntreCard's Forum and use the new created Thread to post your sponsorship, send it by direct message in EntreCard or if you're not an EntreCard member, comment on this post!

    You can sponsor more than one item, so that the participants have to visit your blog two or more times for the daily/weekly prize!

  8. Please provide in your comment the exact name of your blog + the address of your blog and for which blog you want to sponsor which things
    5.000 EC + 125x125 ad space (1 month) Cornymans Money-Blog
    or the direct link
    Cornymans Money-Blog

  9. At last your Google PageRank, Alexa and Technorati Ranking will improve as this contest will have a duration of four months, the participants can join whenever they want but have to post the links to the sponsors and visit the sponsors.

  10. Have a look at The Sponsor List!

The Sponsor Ads for your blog!

Two different ads have been now created by Sheila, better known as The Admaster - Advertise everywhere for the 1 Million EC - Free Traffic - Contest. If you are in need of a new EntreCard or ad badge, just leave her a message in EntreCard and for some ECs she will do some great jobs for you, too.

The placement of the Ads should be around (above, below, beside) the EntreCard widget or above the fold.

You can additionally promote the 1 Million EC - Free Traffic - Contest and write a review about the contest.

Already published reviews by Sponsors -thanks for this-:
Business Sphere
Daily Blog Contest
Tinta at Papel
EzGreatLife - Family, Fitness and Finances
the fledgling blogger
Stalking Minds
Stunned by Stone with pic of sponsored ruby
My Frugal Ways
Kamila The Camel - A Camel in Bulgaria
My Online Contest
Fida Abbott

Use the article "Be part of the 1 Million EC - Free Traffic - Contest" as a little help or write it in your own words "Why you are a sponsor of the 1 Million EC - Free Traffic - Contest!"

On 31st August or 1st September you have to copy the Sponsorlist and post it as an article in your blog. This is the second promotional step for the visitors of your blog, to join our contest and win prizes!

Afterwards the participants have to blog the sponsorlist which gives throughout the four month period enough advertisement for our contest!

Here are the Ads with code:

Join the 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest now!

Join the 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest now!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Amazing Contest update + poll for prizes

EntreCardIn the last days there have been now several new sponsors commented or sent mails in Entrecard. We have now over 268.000 EC, 65$ in cash and nearly 40 Ad spaces, blog makeover, blog review, domain, hosting space. But i know there are already more prizes waiting in my comments and my mails to be approved, so the 300.000 EC-Level will be taken already today!

A Reward Level-Contest inside my own contest :-)
To make it more interesting for the new sponsors, i offer now for each 100.000 EC we can add up, the following amounts beginning with the 400.000 EC-Level:
The sponsor who marks these goals will get 400 EC, the next 500 EC, then 600 EC and so on.

I will pay these amounts to the winner (participant) of the sponsored prize directly, so the sponsor has only to pay the difference and saves some of the 12,5% EC-Tax, too.

Sponsor our contest and get free traffic!

Sponsor list updates!
I'm sorry that i couldn't update the sponsor list immediately. It's usually always in the time from Tuesday to Thursday when my wife is in the school to study that i take care of our baby. In this time i have to manage to drop card/promote the contest on other pages and update the list - this is not easy when there are just 2 or 3 hours spare time!

The lists will be updated in this time step by step as i have to look if there are enough visitors when someone sponsors Ad space!

Another thing would be that you should provide me the NAME of the blog + Blog adress, not only the blog adress. Otherwise i have to search and write it all by my own and in the end it could be wrong. So please provide both in your comments or in your mail!

Spread the word about sponsoring the contest and about the Reward Level-Contest!
The contest is open for everyone! This means you don't have to be a member of EntreCard to win or sponsor the contest (cash, Blog design/makeover, domains, hosting, books, rings, jewelry, gems and so on).
Be creative when it comes to sponsoring something, make it attractive for the participants to visit your blog.

What would attract yourself to take part in this contest and visit the blog of the sponsor?
Take part in the poll below and find the answer!

The more persons who know already about the contest in advance (even if they don't participate as sponsor), the more likely we can get them as a visitor to your daily/weekly prize sponsorship as soon as the contest starts in September!

Therefore i will publish over the weekend the 125x125 ad for the sponsors to promote the sponsorship of our contest on their websites. Please put it near the EntreCard or above the fold!

You can write a review why you take part in this amazing contest, too and show other visitors the advantages which they could get from a sponsorship. You can send me the link by mail/as comment and i will publish the link to your blog post.
Here two examples but be careful, I DON'T want to see copies of these articles! :-):

  1. Eli's Businessphere
  2. Tycoonblogger's Daily Blog Contest

At the same time i will open a thread in the Entrecard forum.
Please take part in this thread because EntreCard wants to see some active members and we can use the new Itrader point system. It's like the Ebay star ratings system. The more points you get from the participants, the more you are trusted in the EntreCard community.

I will sent these details again to every sponsor by EntreCard-Mail!

Sponsors are also able to participate in this contest, only not if it's their turn with the daily/weekly prize!

Here is the poll for the persons who would like to participate so that the sponsors could see what will be a good pledge:

What do you prefer to win?
Ad space
Blog Makeover
Blog review
Hosting Space
Gift card set
Ear rings
Other free polls

To sponsor the contest, please visit the Sponsor this contest and get free traffic post!
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