Saturday, December 5, 2009

Adgitize: Secret of getting an ad paid by Adgitize + make a profit with it!

Do you want to know the SECRET how to get paid by Adgitize for your own 14$ ad? If you are a member, i guess you want to know, if you're not a member, this article will help you in finding an ad network that pays you (back most of your ad price) to advertise in its network!
UPDATE: There is a promotion running until 31st July 2010 which would pay you 14,57 $ for your invested 14$ if you are an active advertiser like described below!
Additionally you will get as my referral a FREE ONE WEEK AD (value 7$) which will give you between 250 - 500 visitors/week and up to 3.50 $ earnings in Adgitize - simply sign up by clicking on one of my Adgitize ads - the easiest way to monetize your blog and to get traffic to your blog!

My payment proofs from Adgitize from July since today 5th December 2009, always more than 14$/month (including referral earnings)!

Yesterday John Lottery from "Ask the Blogster" asked me -after reading the previous Adgitize blog post with my points and earnings statistic- how i could achieve these numbers as he only achieved a maximum of 480 points with TWO running ads (three blogs registered).
Eli came up with a similar conclusion as he only owns ONE BLOG, "Business Sphere"and his highest points have been just 425 (with one ad + paid preferred publisher).

In the last six month i could achieve daily in Adgitize 440 - 470 points (FOUR BLOGS registered) which has been nearly the maximum of the points (500 points until August, 600+ points since end of August).

The Basics in generating points in Adgitize
  1. Click the necessary amount of ads until you see 100 in the blue field under the Adgitize ads (for publishers this are 100 different ads, for advertiser just 50 ads) -> 100 click points

  2. Publish ONE article per day (more are allowed but don't give additional points!) -> 100 article points

  3. advertise in Adgitize for 31 days (14$ = 45 cents/day, best value!) -> 100 advertiser points
    Advertising gives you the necessary bonus -as you could see in #1-, less clicking and it will double your page/ad view points in #4

  4. drive traffic like crazy to your blog, use EntreCard and drop 300 cards, find persons who reciprocate your drop, get into the TOP 15 spot of your category and make your way in the overall TOP 15 for total exposure and FREE advertising for your blog!
Why it is important to get to the TOP 15 in your category and in the end in the overall TOP 15!

If you start dropping cards look yourself for an ad image that makes other curious about you or write the purpose of your blog into the image (be creative).
By using EntreCard's own templates you should write in a few words "what is your blog about" to attract some members (usually less members click on these cards).

Looking in my Category "Finance and Investing" there is not much competition and it would be easy to climb from 0 to 350 member visits (popularity points) with just 3-5 days dropping 300 cards.
This would give you already some exposure for the persons who are interested in this category and you would get some free visitors, just because you are in the TOP 15.

To get in the category "Mixed Bag" into the TOP 15 you have to find a good strategy with dropping and it will take time (more than 2 weeks) to come closer to the TOP 15 as there are over 2.000 blogs.

Getting into the overall TOP 15 needs time -around one month- but with the following strategies it's easier for you to achieve!

Some different dropping strategies:
  1. Drop on the 300 most popular blogs daily as they are usually daily active and most of them are reciprocating drops.

  2. Build friendships by commenting on some of the blogs where you drop cards.
    Commenting gives you exposure and a free text link (to your blog or blogger profile), especially if you comment on the TOP 30 blogs in EntreCard (as they get over 300 visitors from EntreCard!).

  3. Be fast in commenting = make the comment as one of the first on each blog post, more likely that others will read it and visit you, if it's NOT A SPAMMING COMMENT or just a "Great post, nice article"-comment :)

  4. Use Google Friend Connect or subscribe to the RSS-Feed so that you get their new blog posts automatically delivered!

  5. Drop on popular blogs in your category (even if they are not one of the 300 most popular blogs) to make them aware of your blog and your interests, share your knowledge with them.

  6. Drop on blogs who appear in your inbox, they might be interested in your blog and come back for a visit in the following days, too! Sort out blogs who didn't reciprocate your drops (if they are NOT OF INTEREST to you).

  7. Advertise daily in EntreCard with the received ECs. Look out for "cheap" ad spots by checking the popularity points. Buy throughout the categories and buy at least each second day one ad which costs up to 512 EC, it's worth the ECs and with more traffic your own ad price will raise, too, giving you more ECs to invest in more ads!

  8. Reward Top Droppers (look in your EntreCard Statistics) with link love, the easiest way is to join Dropaholics as they provide you with different widgets for your Top Droppers (you can see one in my sidebar, the largest one, small ones only show the ad pictures). Some members just visit you because of being an active member in Dropaholics (even if you don't drop back on them)! They just want to be on your TOP Dropper widget!
With these strategies you can get more visitors from EntreCard to your blog but your content should be attractive, too. So that they enjoy to visit you daily or frequently every other day.

If you write your content not only for your readers but partially for the Search engines (SEO), you will gain additional free traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Use Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Facebook and/or MySpace to increase your readership even more.

The page and ad view point system, the more points you want, the more you have to work!

The page view points are calculated in a very steep way. The maximum page view points (with FOUR BLOGS!) i could achieve was 60 points (originally it's 30 points as the points get doubled if you're an advertiser). Therefore i need 2.000 page views.
The highest page views i could achieve in the past have been 2.500 but nothing changed with the page view points, so this will be really hard for myself to achieve once the 70 page view points.

But you can influence the ad view points with the number of ads which you display and the number of ad groups!

Eli for example could improve his ad view points by adding one bigger ad blog with 9 ads or two different ad groups (one with two ads, a second one with eight ads). In this case he could achieve already the five fold of his page views. At the moment he gets just the 1,5 times his page views as he only displays ONE ad group with ONE ad and a SECOND ad group with TWO ads.
This change could be worth up to 30 ad view points, on average 20 more ad view points daily!
  • Choose two ad groups and mix them so that you show only a maximum of ten ads
For the ad views the point system (for advertisers) looks like this:
  • more than 10.000 ad views - 100 points (50 for publishers)
  • between 9.000 - 10.000 ad views - 90 points (45 for publishers)
  • less than 9.000 ad views - 80 points (40 for publishers)
As i didn't get 70 points in ad views, i can't tell you if 10 (5 for publishers) points are given for every 1.000 ad views. Therefore i would need your feedback :)

Another point which you should take into account - Preferred Publisher Program

Use the Preferred Publisher Program, it gives you free traffic (in case you click already daily the maximum of ads, 100 or 50) for one blog and additional 10 advertiser points. Otherwise read my guide for the Adgitize Preferred Publisher Program.
If you want to sign up for the paid Preferred Publisher Program, the prices start from 6$/month and you will get 25 advertiser points

Some other members achieve high points, too but only with more than ONE BLOG or several paid ads/preferred publisher!

In the Adgitize Leaderboard you can find in the TOP 10 usually only members with MORE than ONE BLOG (up to six blogs - Positive Men).
I would say everyone who has on average more than 470 points has two ads running or is PAID preferred publisher with a second/third/... blog as it's too difficult to jump over the 60 page view points.

I achieved the 500 points on 2nd of December just because i started my new ad at the same day as my old ad expired.
I wanted to see if there is a big difference in earnings but it seems it's just 1 or 2 cents for each 10 points in this area (different when you jump between from 270 to 300 or 370 to 400).

These have been a lot of tips how to achieve much more points in Adgitize, most of them are free, some might take additional time each day but in the end you will get most of the invested ad price returned by Adgitize!
In the past you simply had to achieve around 400 points on average to get paid by Adgitize for advertising (+ around 2000+ visitor/monthly) now it will be around 430+ points to achieve the same effect.

Join now, get traffic and make a profit with blogging!


  1. I usually hit between 410 and 430 points per day, with one blog in the system. I'm still a little confused on the point system. For instance, I had a post stumbled a couple of weeks ago and received 1600+ additional visits in one day. With all things being equal, I only received 430 points that day from Adgitize?

    On a side note, I had an interesting experience with the new sponsored ads in Entrecard a couple of weeks ago. I purchased an ad for the $25. My ad ran for about 5 days. During that 5 day period I received about 50 extra visits a day, that according to Google Analytics. The weird thing is my Alexa ranking went into the toilet for those 5 days. I went from 45,000 to 159,000. In fact, the more visits I received from Entrecard each day, the more my Alexa rank tanked. The day after my paid ad ended, my rank returned to 45,000. I wrote Alexa about my experience, but never received an answer.

  2. Hi Martin,
    This is a great rundown of Adgitize and gives readers a celar picture on how it works anmd techniques to use to maximise earnings from it.
    Not all people have time to drop 300 ECs everyday and if you convert the time taken to the money earned it is les money made than working int the slave trade. However if you turn work into a hobby then it takes on a different appeal and that I think is the secret of untold hours spent surfing.
    Take care my friend.

  3. Cornyman,

    Thanks for the writeup and the mention!

    From what I can tell that you said, it is possible to get 470-500 points if you spend all day driving traffic to your blogs from EC and other sources.

    However, most (and you may be the exception) members who are getting 470-500 points pay for at least 1 ad and/or preferred publisher listings. This means the cheapest cost to them is $30/month but could go higher. -- For that expenditure, they could get anywhere from $27-$32 back from Adgitize for the month.

    Now what about the 300 point level? Do you have a reading on how much members are getting back with 300-310 points these days in December?

    As a comparison, without any ads, I have been consistently hitting about 260 points per day. The daily payout ranges from $0.20-$0.25. The past 3 days have been the highest. If this keeps up, I'll profit $7.50 (+/-) for the month of December without paying out a dime.

    Thanks for your help and sharing your advice.



  4. @Martin:

    You're right, if you use EntreCard it's time-consuming to drive traffic to your site :)

    But you never know who of them will get one of your loyal readers, too and this post was just about make it going that you get your ad paid by Adgitize *lol*

    There are a lot of members who just click their 50/100 Adgitize ads but don't look into their EntreCard InBox to maximize their ad/page view points (the only points that you can influence actively)

    300 drops could give you the better opportunity to find loyal readers and active commentators.

    As i have now a comparison with the earnings of my brother (one blog) i can say that the difference between 390 points and my 460 points (as of 4th December) is just 14 cents.

    This would equal to 4.20 $ more earnings for me but clicking daily additionally 900 cards (which takes 4-6 hours) :)

  5. I've been able to get 420 pts/day lately, but don't see myself getting to another level any time soon. Good explanations.

  6. Hello Cornyman!

    Thanks for this very helpful post. It helps me understand adgitize better. And how I can use Entrecard to earn points for adgitize too. that's like hitting two birds with one stone.

  7. hi every one,

    That is very interesting information within the article and the discussion in the comment session.

    I would like to be honest for you all about my experience in adgitize service as a publisher.

    I can make 300 point a day just as a publisher. and it's only spend my time around 10 minutes a day with overall earning was $0.50 per day without the traffic from entrecard.

    I just advertise in adgitize for one month service period yesterday, and I would like to see my point earned for next 2 days.

    i will inform you later for the update...

  8. @Bachrum:

    Thanks for the information about the earnings for 300 points (=50 cents).

    I thought the earnings should have improved for the 300 points since the last 5 days.

    For my points (450-470) the earnings have been 20% higher than before (average 98 cents) the Thanksgiving Holidays (which should NOT be counted as the beginning of the new earning bracket!)

  9. @Bachrum:

    could you tell us how many page views/ad views you achieve daily which will be then calculated into your 100 page view and 100 ad view points?

    Did your earnings for the 300 points change from 1st - 5th December (upwards)?

  10. Excellent post. I have two blogs in the system but only advertise one. I find my daily earnings are never less than 300 and I've yet to get more than 435. Since the beginning of December, my earnings have drastically increased.

    While I do drop Entrecards between 150 and 300 Monday to Friday, I am not able to complete drops on the weekends as we have only dial up at home and it is far too slow (don't laugh - some people still have it!).

  11. Hi Cornyman,

    Hope that you all in best condition and life.

    To be honest that I achieve more than 10.000 page view / ad view a day. That view number is enough to make you receive 100 point both page or ad view.

    For the earning, it's raise. on 07 december I got $0.98 for 500 point that quite nice money for changing with my 5 minutes effort a day.

  12. @John Lottery:

    I will outline your mentioned dots

    - making more profit by being NO advertiser
    - achieving points in the range above 450
    - profit of advertisers

    like Bachrum mentioned the earnings for 300 points is around 50 cents (double the amount than with 260 points = 25+ cents).

    As you achieve 260 points, i guess, you would achieve 390 - 420 points as advertiser which equals to 78 - 90 cents/daily.

  13. Just wanted to update and let you know that this post is the reason why I joined "Dropaholics" yesterday :)

  14. Just to update you that I got $1.06 for 500 point... Its quite nice for me...

  15. very informative, many will benefit from this.

  16. Off Topic: Merry Christmas to you and to all your readers

  17. Interesting… I might try some of this on my blog, too. It’s quite interesting how you sometimes stop being innovative and just go for an accepted solution without actually trying to improve it… you make a couple of good points.

    part time money

  18. Let me know please that how can get free traffic to my blog

  19. My Entrecard days are behind me, though I did find a lot of blogs to read, I also found a lot that I never wanted to see again.

    Your plan sounds like a good one, but it also sounds likes a little too much work for me.

  20. @Descartes:

    There is NO must to do 300 drops as i know you have been a member in my early days (April 2009) in EntreCard and i guess a lot of members would visit you again just because you have the EntreCard widget on your page (you don't have to use it, just the possibility for the other members to drop is already an incentive for them to visit you).

    Yup, i have my favorite blogs on which i drop regularly and then around 20 free drops for new blogs which have dropped on me the last day but i stick usually to my favorite blogs.

  21. Hi Martin,

    Happy new year to you, I just have a question on Adgitize point system. I just want to know about it more, because it seems that even if you get the same points or even higher than the other day, you won't get the same earnings. so im kinda confused on the point system.

  22. I was happy with my Adgitize payment of $33.26 this month. I've worked the system and the system has worked for me.

  23. hi Martin,

    do you have any new tips on how to increase our earnings?

    the highest i could get now is 400-410 and its earning 40-47c. the usual is 42c, which if you sum up for 30days, you wont even reached 14$ for another month of advertising :( any tips?

  24. very clear explanation. I watn to try adgitize too. Like nice method to get more visitor to my site. thank you very much


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