Saturday, October 17, 2009

EntreCard: Tax cut on Ads - More "money" in your account from now on!

EntreCardGreat news from EntreCard ?! In their new blog post they announced now that we get 50% of the ad price instead of 25%!

Hi everyone,

We have received some concerns regarding the high 75% tax deducted from the price to advertise on your blog. So for the next 3 months we will be lowering the tax rate to 50%. This means that you will receive 50% of the price it costs to advertise on your blog! The other 50% will be deleted from our system. This is effective as of today. After 3 months, if there are no major problems with the EC inflation, we will keep the tax rate at 50%.

Please continue to email us at if you have any problems or concerns. We would love to hear from you. All emails will be answered within 24 hours.


What else could make EntreCard a better place as we now get again more ECs to spend on advertising or contest or...?


  1. Wow, I didn't understand that we were getting anything from ads anyways. ;-)

  2. I got that message from EC yesterday. That is good that they are now giving us more for running the ads. I still think though that 50% is pretty high but oh well. Good think I don't really keep track of how many points I have :)

  3. I really don't understand, what do they mean tax? This doesn't change people buying ad space on our blogs with their ec's that they only get 85% of the time does it?

    Today is the first day in several weeks I decided to do some dropping. I'm not happy about blog comments being closed, forum being closed....both are well beyond censorship. This makes me not trust them, and I wonder what's going on

  4. Gee...I didn't even know i was paying EntreCard taxes. *scratches head*

  5. I am glad that they lowered the tax. I think it was hard when we realize that the amount of dropping credits went down and the taxes went up, which meant it was very hard to even make enough to advertise. Nice move for now.

  6. This was great news indeed and long overdue!


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